The Health Check analysis is a way to ensure that portfolios that have been in use for a long time are still being used effectively and that there are no redundant or obsolete fields.

“Once you have a system, it’s worth keeping it in good working order.” This basic idea guides the development of SSAB’s Project Portfolio. Six years after the acquisition of the portfolio, it was time to ensure that the Project Portfolio and its data model were up to date. A health check was carried out to assess the portfolio’s condition.

During Health Check, Thinking Portfolio’s application consultants run reports from the portfolio that describe the state of the data model, showing how much of each field or report, for example, has been used. This ensures that there is no legacy technology left in the portfolio that could be implemented more efficiently. The analysis results in a development roadmap, in which Thinking Portfolio’s consultants draw up proposals for the further development of the portfolio.

“When we launched the portfolio in 2017, we didn’t really know which fields to choose. Now we wanted to make sure that the portfolio was sensible and included everything we needed, but nothing unnecessary,” says Antti Piirainen, IT PMO Lead for SSAB’s Europe Division.

The Health Check involves a few meetings – usually three – where Thinking Portfolio’s application consultants go through the reports and analysis results with the client. Antti found the Health Check to be a lightweight package that could be completed alongside other work.

Faster access to the portfolio and a clearer interface

The wellbeing analysis showed that SSAB’s portfolio was still in relatively good shape. Fields and entities that were not being used were removed from the portfolio, SmartTables were added as the most modern solutions and project archiving was renewed.

“Now the portfolio interface is clearer. The omission of certain things is reflected in speed for the user; pages load faster and the portfolio has clearer screens for what to use,” says Antti.

Usually a Health Check is performed if the portfolio data model has not been updated for a while. Changes in the organisation’s operating model and changes in the organisation’s objectives are also common reasons for conducting an analysis.

At SSAB, a wellbeing analysis was requested before the portfolio was moved to the HUB platform.

“We didn’t have any major problems with the portfolio. We wanted to do a Health Check to know that the portfolio was in good shape before moving it to the HUB platform. The easier and simpler the system is to use, the more it will be used,” says Antti.

The Health Check is especially designed for organisations that have been using the portfolio for several years.

“The longer the portfolio has been in use, the more important it is to do a Health Check to support the organisation’s own policies and processes. I would definitely recommend it,” Antti sums up.

Antti Piirainen

Head of PMO, Europe division, SSAB Europe Oy




Article Text: Tyyne Taunila, Marketing Specialist, Thinking Portfolio