Portfolio Management – Back to Basics Podcast Episode 2
We've published the second episode of our new Podcast Series Portfolio Management – Back to basics. Give it a listen!
We've published the second episode of our new Podcast Series Portfolio Management – Back to basics. Give it a listen!
We've published the third episode of our new Podcast Series Portfolio Management – Back to basics. Give it a listen!
We've published the fourth episode of our new Podcast Series Portfolio Management – Back to basics. Give it a listen!
The City of Jyväskylä’s project portfolio working group has three months of effort in Thinking Portfolio’s project portfolio definition and suitability testing. During the testing phase, a few IT projects were added to the portfolio by pilot users, and we are now ready for production.
Suominen’s project portfolio acquisition process started from the requirements of an extensive development project, the cost-effectiveness program Optima. The Optima program involved dozens of different programs and projects of various sizes. In the initial phase of Optima, it was stated that it is necessary to say goodbye to the “Excel era.” Following Optima’s example, the Thinking Portfolio project portfolio was also launched by Suominen’s R&D development projects, growth investments, and ICT, whose projects were previously managed using Excel and Word as well.
The combination of the Thinking Portfolio’s project portfolio and the risk portfolio has streamlined the handling of both development projects and risk management in a unified environment. First, the project portfolio, together with the renewed project model, was introduced, and the positive experiences gained from it helped in the selection when the risk portfolio was acquired, says Development Manager Matti Tähtinen from Fingrid.
When the universities merged, tools were needed to manage more than a hundred simultaneously running projects, to manage resources, and to map the system entity. Now, after merging, the portfolios from Thinking Portfolio continue to be used by the university community of Tampere as a development project portfolio and as a system portfolio for the entire community.
Helsedirektoratet is in the early stages of using Thinking Portfolio, but expects to gain more experience and eventually get all its application data in the portfolio. Application basics have now been put in the portfolio and after holidays system owners will start to fill the information of their systems in the tool.
SSAB uses Thinking Portfolio’s solution for planning investment activities in the coming years. Plans are prepared in a clear way in the portfolio, which provides a quick overview of upcoming events. Investment Services Director Arto Kangas describes how the implementation of the project portfolio has made it possible to make the company’s approach even more systematic.
A key performance indicator or KPI is a measured value indicating how effective an organization is in achieving its key business goals. In the context of project management, it demonstrates how successful the project was in benefiting all the people involved: stakeholders, customers, employees, and the community as well. Without KPIs, it would not be possible to assess the progress of the projects towards fulfilling the goals set. Here are six such key performance indicators ...
The Finnish National Opera and Ballet (SKOB) is procuring Thinking Portfolio's project portfolio in order to provide better visibility of current projects for the staff and make managing the project portfolio easier.
When Elo began searching the markets for a suitable project portfolio solution, the goal was to improve reporting and transparency. Elo was looking for better transparency in development work, and a tool that would make resource planning easier and resources more visible. Thinking Portfolio has enabled Elo to plan and allocate resources more comprehensively – providing transparency on allocated development resources while exposing any resourcing bottlenecks.
Administrative documentation was previously handled with Office tools. This meant a significant amount of copying and entering identical content on several documents. NLS has been particularly satisfied with the clarity of Thinking Portfolio, in which the content comes from one source regardless of its end use. Furthermore, less work means fewer errors.
Helen Electricity Network is currently implementing the project portfolio, but so far, the user feedback has been cautiously optimistic. The tool is easy to use and helps eliminate extra work. The previously used spreadsheets were packed with data. The spreadsheets were also prone to errors. Now the company can wave goodbye to the old protocol; all data is reliably stored and readily available in one solution.
Fazer Confectionery manages its projects with the Thinking Portfolio project portfolio. Focus, as the portfolio is called at Fazer, manages consumer product, raw material, product development and product decommissioning projects. Thinking Portfolio is the perfect platform for evolving projects Focus Friend Hanna Ikonen Fazer Confectionery’s project are unique and challenging with various requirements related to the process. “The old system was no longer sustainable for the ever-evolving environment, and the company decided to ...