Thinking Portfolio summer poem about good project portfolio management where people are enthusiastic and management is passionate
In the realm of projects, a story unfolds,
Of passion and enthusiasm, where success takes hold.
Good project portfolio management, a guiding star,
Where people are inspired, and management sets the bar.
A symphony of talents, in harmony they sway,
United by a vision, working as one each day.
Enthusiasm ignites, like a spark in the night,
Filling hearts with energy, shining oh so bright.
Management, the maestros, with unwavering zeal,
Fueling the fire, making the team’s dreams real.
Passion flows through their veins, a driving force,
They inspire, they empower, charting a new course.
Projects bloom, like flowers in full bloom,
Each one cherished, given ample room.
The team is motivated, their spirits soar,
With passionate leaders, they always want more.
Obstacles are conquered, challenges embraced,
With unwavering dedication, they’re not to be phased.
The synergy created, a powerful surge,
Transforming each project, as they courageously emerge.
In this realm of excellence, success is the key,
Where good project portfolio management sets us free.
Enthusiasm is contagious, spreading wide and far,
Empowering the team, raising the bar.
Oh, the wonders that unfold when passion meets drive,
In the realm of projects, where dreams come alive.
Good project portfolio management, a symphony so grand,
With people enthusiastic and management’s passionate hand.