Basic Information
Portfolio Platform HUB means utilizing multiple parallel portfolios for management, communication and decision making in your most critical assets and development areas.
Thinking Portfolio platform is used by hundreds of customers, in dozens of various portfolio management positions. The portfolios support each other with interconnected data models. Dependencies on different aspects of management become visible. There are links noted that illustrate possibilities of dependency mapping between portfolios.
Manage risks, resources and quality of your business development efforts comprehensively. Examples of different portfolio management applications and variations of our platform are presented in this document. Please contact us for further details or a demo on detailed functionalities.

Multi-Portfolio Platform Features
- Unlimited Users with Fixed Monthly Price
- Parametrizable Portfolio Data Models
- 40 World-Class Best Practise Multi-Portfolios
- Multi-Portfolio HUB enables easy information sharing between Portfolios
- Over 400 000 Users and more than 50 countries
Portfolios presented in Whitepaper
- Project Portfolio
- Idea Portfolio
- NPD / R&D Portfolio
- Service Portfolio
- Application Portfolio
- Process Portfolio
- Customer Portfolio
- Compliance Portfolio
- Risk Portfolio
- M&A Portfolio
- Key Performance Portfolio
- Sustainability Portfolio
- Task Portfolio