With more than 12,000 employees, the University Medical Centre Utrecht, of which the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital is a part, is one of the largest public healthcare institutions in the Netherlands and the largest employer in the region. UMC Utrecht has been using Thinking Portfolio since January 2018 to have an overview and insight about the ICT projects.

The Corona outbreak has a lot of impact on ongoing projects. Care employees are not available for projects, ICT employees are used to support new projects such as setting up Cohort departments and developing apps. Many employees work at home.

To gain insight into the risks associated with current projects and to free-up resources quickly for new ad hoc projects, a risk category ‘Corona crisis’ has been added to the configuration.

All project managers have been asked to update the risk table daily with information to what extent their project is affected by the Corona crisis. Based on this information, UMC Utrecht can:

  • Prioritize essential projects that must always go through
  • Temporarily freeze or stop non-essential projects
  • Redistribute resources

Marcel Metselaar, Senior PMO Officer