Project Management – a largely male dominated domain until recently, is now seeing more and more well qualified women taking the helm.

Being great communicators

Women can use their communication skills to get an edge over men in project management. Being assertive without coming off as abrasive, and using gentle persuasion to get buy-in from senior management helps the team and PMO. Regular conversations with stakeholders help the PMO align to business goals and get everyone on board. It also helps them keep lines of communication open with team members.

Creating an environment for people to thrive

Women project managers are able to groom their teams well. Their innate ability to nurture and help their teams build up their skills translates to better career growth for individuals. Providing them with the right inputs and training that they require, as and when they need it is important. Collaborative projects tend to work well with women leaders. They are able to get people together to work towards a shared purpose. This means less project delays and better on-time performance.

Seeing the other side

Women in general, are believed to be more sensitive and empathetic. Female project managers can use this to their advantage. A successful project manager has the ability to look at things from a macro perspective. Understanding the ‘other side’ or a varied point of view can be critical in project management. Sometimes, what seems an unnecessary stretch on the surface of it, may turn out to be very crucial as a business driver.

Keeping it simple

By steering clear of technical jargon designed to impress superiors and subordinates, a women project manager is able to simplify the complex. There is little scope for misinterpretation if things are kept straightforward. This way, discussions tend to be more efficient and everyone has a clear, common sense of purpose.


Women are inherently good multi-taskers, having done this on a daily basis all their working lives – juggling home and work. Project managers can use this skill to handle multiple deliverable and process myriad project requirements all together.

Dealing with challenges

A non-judgmental atmosphere helps the team be open about their needs and challenges. An astute women project manager might actually uncover simmering problems before they turn into raging fires.  A high emotional quotient helps spot interpersonal conflict before it flares up. Combined with good communication skills, a woman PM can help tackle issues quicker and manage risk better.