Management support and project culture as part of good portfolio management

Projects are a concrete means to execute the strategies of organisations. Portfolio management is an essential tool that also serves as support for management and decision-making. How to motivate project managers to actively update information in the portfolio? What if portfolio management is seen as cumbersome or unnecessary? And what if new projects are started continuously without careful planning? Among other things, this requires an effective project culture with leadership throughout the organisation. 


7 Key Secrets To Succeed With Your Work Management

All successful organizations have a common quality: they are led by efficient managers. A good manager is someone who motivates employees and propels them toward success. They know when to modify a strategy when something doesn’t go according to plan or praise an employee for any accomplishment.


Why Understanding Project Risk Management Is Key To Success?

Just like any undertaking in life, projects in the corporate world involve an element of risk. From the start to the end of the project cycle, risks and issues can keep cropping up. If not addressed on time, these can become major bottlenecks in the process, often leading organizations to incur hefty monetary and resource losses.


7 Signals Warning That Project Manager Is Burnout

If there’s one condition that’s plaguing organizations across the globe, then it’s employee burnout. Cases of employee burnout have reached such a point that the World Health Organization (WHO) has given it the official status of an “occupational phenomenon.” As per a recent study conducted by Gallup, about two-thirds of workers working full-time face burnout at work.


7 Good Warning Alerts for Your Project to Follow and Monitor

The growth of any business is necessary to ensure continuity for the future. If your business is not growing over time, that means it could eventually stagnate or fail. In case your business is displaying any of these signs, that means that you need to follow your projects closely. Use these signs to make informed changes to your existing modus operandi or scale of your operations.


Why Kanban Is So Easy To Use?

Kanban is a methodology implemented in different fields to help the team become more efficient and drive down costs. It gives the companies flexibility to empower their team to accomplish more by improving and visualizing their workflows. In this article, we will be discussing what Kanban is and why it is so easy to use.


How to Manage Your Project just in 5 Minutes per Day?

Believe it or not, project planning and management is something that most people struggle with. It’s certainly not a piece of cake, especially in large organizations where there are tight deadlines and specific processes to follow. One wrong move on your end can cause the entire workflow to go haywire. The consequences of such a thing is not limited to just your reputation at work but extends to the entire organization.


Why Should You Cancel Your Project?

Project managers are some of the most resilient and hard-working bunch. They will keep at it until nothing else can be done to deliver the perfect product. But sometimes this isn’t enough, and there are telltale signs of this. It is a project manager’s job to identify the problems and tackle them head-on. Carefully dismantling each problem so that the project is completed can be a tedious task, but alas, some projects are doomed to fail.
