Communication within a project can spell success or failure depending on the way stakeholders interact with each other and share relevant information at the required time. Though all team members working on a project may continue to interact with each other on a daily basis via email, status reports and inter office messaging service, pressure of work schedules sometimes may lead to missing important information. To keep project on track, project managers should have good understanding with other team members both within the office and at other locations to coordinate work effectively and complete the project on schedule.

Tips for effective project communication

  1. Active listening to suggestions and problems – On a daily basis project managers listen to so many issues and status reports that half the time they only passively to them. They rarely try to look for nonverbal signs of trouble and keep hoping that people will manage themselves. When team managers and members are ignored by project managers they tend to solve matters depending on their own understanding which may be completely opposite to what is desired by client. Effective project leaders have be active listeners to manage issues immediately without allowing them to escalate to manage project on schedule.
  2. Be brief and specific – Instead of engaging in lengthy explanations keep your communications brief and to the point related to the specific topic at hand. Convey the project specifics to them along with strategic objectives for team members to understand the bigger picture. Communicate information in a firm and effective manner so that message is conveyed in like manner and people do not misconstrue the meaning of your information. Keep yourself updated about progress of each project segment to access likely completion date.
  3. Right communication channel and flexibility – While you are communicating project details to team members take care to see that communication channel is clear and subordinates understand a task in the same manner as you do. It does not hurt to ask them if they have understood the instructions carefully in a subtle manner. Give people flexibility and freedom to do things on their own which will help to build trust and a sense of responsibility. If all stakeholders work with equal enthusiasm and sincerity towards a common objective and maintain close communication with each other through, a project manager has to simply coordinate their efforts.Communication is all about giving required information to designated people at the right time to ensure critical success of a project within an organization.