Helsedirektoratet is aiming at making thinking Portfolio as a master piece

“Helsedirektoratet, The Directorate of Health, is to strengthen the health of the entire population of Norway through comprehensive and targeted work across services, sectors and administrative levels. Helsedirektoratet should be a professional adviser, implement the adopted policy and administer laws and regulations in the health sector. In addition Helsedirektoratet has overall responsibility for the national health emergency.”


Thinking Portfolio will help us to follow the digital trend

Helsedirektoratet is in the early stages of using Thinking Portfolio, but expects to gain more experience and eventually get all its application data in the portfolio. Application basics have now been put in the portfolio and after holidays system owners will start to fill the information of their systems in the tool.

-We were using Excel sheets earlier to follow our system portfolio. As we need to be able to follow the digital trend, it is important to have a system like Thinking Portfolio that enables it the best possible way, says Sandra Knudsen, project manager.

Application portfolio will play an important role in the sourcing strategy

The application portfolio will also have an important role in Helsedirektoratet’s sourcing strategy once fully implemented. Applications that are and will be handled in Thinking Portfolio, are all related to the public health system in Norway, supporting the organisations and processes. Thinking Portfolio will make it easier to follow-up the systems and their life cycle, and once fully functional, will also be in an important source of information when planning the future achievements and system strategies. Prerequisite for that, of course, is that the portfolio is used and that the information in it is up to date. To make that happen, the next step, to complement the applications’ information, is about to start soon.

All information of any system will in future be found in Thinking Portfolio

-There are a lot of information of our systems in several sources and it is taking time to put all together. Luckily the tool, Thinking Portfolio, is so easy to use and user-friendly system, that the system owners are happy doing it.

By using Thinking Portfolio, Helsedirektoratet is aiming at getting a complete overview to every system in the company as well as that it shows the growth of the systems’ usage – so, in future, every information that will be needed of any system will be found in one source, Thinking Portfolio.

-We want Thinking Portfolio to be a master piece, summarises Sandra Knudsen.

The interviewee was Sandra Knudsen, who has been acting as a project manager in the solution portfolio impelementation project in Helsedirektoratet.