A net promoter score is usually used by businesses to estimate customer loyalty. What many businesses do not know is that it can also be used to evaluate employee loyalty. Let us take a look at how promoters score can be used in the context of determining a project manager’s engagement and loyalty toward the company, and how it impacts the customer net promoter score.
What is a net promoter score in project management?
A promoter score is a numerical estimate of the likeliness of a customer recommending or promoting your brand to others. In this context, it is the likeliness of the project manager referring your workplace to others. The reason we consider a project manager for this evaluation is because they play a key role in motivating employees and driving a project forward. If a project manager has a high promoter score, then they have a high job satisfaction and/or business loyalty, which naturally reflects on the team morale. A better team morale translates to better employee performance, better customer service and enhanced customer retention. Notice how a high promoter score of a project manager indirectly drives customer net promoter score? A better employee satisfaction translates to better customer loyalty in the long haul.
How to estimate project manager promoter scores?
There are two parameters that govern the promoter score of a project manager; one- the odds of them referring the organization to prospective employees, and two- the odds of recommending the project manager as someone you would want to work with in the future. The first point addresses the loyalty aspect of the project manager toward the company. A project manager who is happy with the work culture, processes, employee support and the nature of work, is more likely to recommend the organization to others. The second point addresses the direct impact of the project manager on the team members and the project results. If a project manager has a proven track record of heading successful projects and introducing positive changes in the project processes, then they deserve a higher promoter score. It is also essential to consider the likeliness of team members recommending the project manager as someone they would want to work under, to gauge the proficiency of a project manager while scoring them. Just as in the case of determining the net promoter score of customers, you can score your project manager on a scale of 0 to 10: 0-6 being detractors, 7-8 passives and 9-10 promoters.