Thinking Portfolio® Risk Analysis is an iPad application for the identification and analysis of project risks and opportunities. It can be used effectively in all kinds of projects, large and small.


The tool allows you to identify and list project risks and opportunities, evaluate them visually, and share reports and analysis tables. Thinking Portfolio® Risk Analysis supports collaboration during the analysis. The application screen can be shared using an external projector attached to the iPad. In addition, it enables you to email reports and spreadsheet-ready files for further analysis and risk mitigation planning.


The methodological content of the tool is based on longitudinal research and development by internationally renowned professor and Ph.D., Kalle Kähkönen. His primary research focus is the creation of easy-to-use risk analysis and management techniques. He has paid particular attention to the engagement of users, risk communication and risk estimation techniques. Numerous companies and projects have used the intermediate results and tools of his research.


Our tool makes proactive project risk identification and analysis an engaging, positive experience. The application is intuitive, versatile, and visual. It makes it easy to determine and discuss project risks and opportunities, analyze them visually, and share the results within the project management team.


As an iPad app, Risk Analysis is quick and easy to learn how to use. You can take the application to meetings, discussions, and workshops, and using the external display adapter you are able to share the application screen with others. What’s more, the audio recording feature makes saving risk-specific notes an easy task.


You can use the application for many types of projects. The methodology has been used successfully in a variety of projects in a range of industries, for example IT, business change, and construction projects.


Tables are a common way to communicate risks, but a graphical presentation provides the most efficient overview. The application offers visual maps for opportunities and risks which couldn’t be easier to use. Positioning a risk on the map is done via a simple drag-and-drop action.

Visit for more information or go to App Store to buy the app.