Application Portfolio Management and Information Risks

If you have assets, whether in terms of office inventory or application portfolios, it is important to factor in the level of risk associated with each individual property. However unlike inventory management and risk assessment which are fairly simple, application portfolio management is slightly more complex. By definition, risk management is the activity that includes recognition of the existing and potential risk of the asset, assessment of these risks, development of risk management strategies, and ...


Business Benefits of IT Portfolio Management

Management of IT portfolio is the process of rationalizing and organizing IT applications in your company to meet specific business needs. The main responsibilities of portfolio managers for IT projects include analysis of current and future applications as well as projects within the organization. With this analysis, managers then identify gaps and shortcomings, devising ways to make improvements in the IT portfolio. On a regular basis, the IT department or organization is allotted fixed funding ...


Is your application portfolio ready? – Introducing Bring Your Own Application (BYOA)

In the recent years, there has been a talk of a trend within organizations, where employees are allowed to use their own devices in work. This phenomenon has been coined BYOD, or Bring Your Own Device. The phenomenon has been a divisive one One of the positive factors related to it is user satisfaction, which in turn results in increased productivity at work. However, BYOD has also presented challenges. Data administration has found it difficult ...