Business Benefits of IT Portfolio Management

Management of IT portfolio is the process of rationalizing and organizing IT applications in your company to meet specific business needs. The main responsibilities of portfolio managers for IT projects include analysis of current and future applications as well as projects within the organization. With this analysis, managers then identify gaps and shortcomings, devising ways to make improvements in the IT portfolio. On a regular basis, the IT department or organization is allotted fixed funding ...


Aligning IT Projects and Strategies through Project Portfolio Management

Project portfolio management or PPM is a business process that allows and prepares companies to align a number of components like IT projects, application development, resources, and initiatives. Transforming companies to operate as project-oriented groups, project portfolio management allows you to treat IT as a financial asset. With project portfolio management, you can seamlessly integrate scope, pipeline, time, skills, cost, procurement, reporting, forecasting, communication, as well as risk management. Similar to managing a portfolio of ...


Identifying the Business Benefits of an IT Project

To be successful, all business projects should have a clear objective, practical implementation, and deep understanding of all the related costs and benefits of the project. While it may seem relatively simple, understanding and defining business benefits can be tricky sometimes. To break down the concept in a simple and comprehensible way, business benefits can be divided into three major types – soft benefits, hard benefits, and productivity. Determining and measuring hard benefits These benefits ...


When Should You Consider Terminating An IT Project Prematurely?

An IT project manager of a company will have to take several serious decisions that make or break a project, or even terminate the project entirely. While most projects are terminated on completion, some have to be severed prematurely if certain aspects of the project are undesirable. Terminating a project prematurely can result in strained relationships with the stakeholders, clients, and leave a black mark in your career. However, such terminations are sometimes necessary. While ...


Traits and Skills That Make For a Successful CIO

Chief Information Officers or CIOs are important employees in any company and handle a large number of responsibilities. Apart from managing the employees to leading projects and beating deadlines, there are several qualities and skill sets that a CIO is required to possess. Owing to the increasing importance of IT in any business today, the role of a CIO is also more prominent. Here are five of the most important skills, qualities and traits that ...


Five Most Critical Skills IT Project Managers Should Possess

While some IT professionals are natural leaders, others work hard to instill certain skills that are essential to handle any project. Apart from tending to the smallest details of the project, IT project managers are required to focus on the big picture and keep pace with the impending deadlines. Here are the most essential and critical skills that IT projects managers should have. Analysis Also referred to as impact analysis, project managers should possess the ...


Top IT Risk Management Problems That Should Not Be Ignored

When it comes to risk management in IT companies, CIOs (Chief Information Officers) review several areas like business continuation, disaster recovery, data and security breaches, financial viabilities of strategies etc. However, there are several other important review areas that may seem unimportant but should not be ignored. If you are an IT decision maker at your company, here are some of the areas you should not forget to consider. Poor communication In several cases, operations ...


Manage Critical Applications With Your IT Portfolio

One of our clients counted over four thousand individual pieces of software in use in their company. Certainly only a handful of these are business critical, others are tools that assist in performing various tasks. Do you know which of your hundreds of IT applications are critical, how they serve your business now and in the future, and if there are redundancies or omissions you should be aware of? Does your IT portfolio help in ...


IT vs Corporate Project Portfolios

My first encounter with Project Portfolio Management (PPM) sprung from the needs of our clients' IT departments. They were inundated with all sorts of development projects. Some were directly attributable to the IT department, but the majority of the initiatives came from business units. The solution was to create an IT project portfolio which included projects that the IT department was involved in. Soon it became evident that almost all projects had a connection to ...
