7 Key Secrets To Succeed With Your Work Management

All successful organizations have a common quality: they are led by efficient managers. A good manager is someone who motivates employees and propels them toward success. They know when to modify a strategy when something doesn’t go according to plan or praise an employee for any accomplishment.


Why Should You Cancel Your Project?

Project managers are some of the most resilient and hard-working bunch. They will keep at it until nothing else can be done to deliver the perfect product. But sometimes this isn’t enough, and there are telltale signs of this. It is a project manager’s job to identify the problems and tackle them head-on. Carefully dismantling each problem so that the project is completed can be a tedious task, but alas, some projects are doomed to fail.


What could Project Managers learn from Traffic Jams

Traffic is a real-time dynamic system that is constantly changing. Every tiny change in traffic has repercussions down the line. The field of RTM or road traffic management has come about to manage such systems and prevent traffic jams and random congestion. These systems use data analytics to predict and manage traffic.


What Every Chief Officer need to know about Project Portfolio Management

According to the Project Management Institute, an increasing number of organizations are reporting added value with the appointment of a chief project officer. The chief project officer is someone who owns the responsibility of governing the internal projects of an organization. Some of the specific duties of such as officer include: Ensuring each project is supportive of business goals Driving linkages and efficiencies between projects Connecting every project to business strategy Making sure that each ...


Skills vs. Personality in Project Management

In most industries, especially IT, technical skills are often considered to be the most important criteria for hiring. When recruiting managers, a lot of companies think that the candidate must meet a long list of important skills in order to be able to perform the job efficiently. In reality, this may not be the best approach to hiring project managers. Project management isn’t just about having a set of programmed skills; it also requires certain ...


7 Criteria to Choose Project of the Year

Effective project management needs finding a project which is a perfect match for the combined skillset of your team. The project must also match the team's competence level. If all these are done, then chances of success are much more increased. The project selection techniques provide seven time-tested techniques. All seven methods are based on logical reasoning. It helps to select the best project. Undesirable projects, those that have near zero chances of success, are ...


What Scrum Master Could Learn from Jazz Artists

The Scrum Master is typically seen as a team coach and a kind of process owner in a project. Scrum masters work to create a balance between the key stakeholder demands in a project and guide the team to deliver the best performance possible. A scrum master’s responsibilities generally involve removal of barriers to progress, scheduling, facilitating meetings and handling product backlog among others. Though scrum masters are pretty adept at what they do, there ...
