How to Make an Ordinary PMO Great

There are certain traits that set certain project management offices apart from the rest, having them garner success stories with projects. Here are some of traits that make for a great PMO. Coherent project and organizational objectives While each project has its own set of benefits to an enterprise, a good PMO will ensure that the goals of the project and the enterprise are on the same page. As and when the corporate environment changes, ...


Raisio – We are happy to have Thinking Portfolio

Raisio plc is a Finnish company established in 1939, whose shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. The company has over 35,000 shareholders. It employs some 1,900 people and operates in 9 countries. Group's net sales in 2013 were EUR 557.6 million and EBIT was EUR 39.3 million. Raisio is known for its innovations, of which cholesterol-lowering Benecol is one good example and Benemilk, with its ability to increase milk yield and improve contents ...

Thinking Portfolio enables centralised project management model for RAY

Finland's Slot Machine Association RAY collects funds through slot machine and casino operations for the benefit of Finnish welfare. RAY offers entertaining and exciting games in a responsible manner. The profits from games are channelled into social and healthcare organisations' activities and benefiting Finnish war veterans. The association also aims to secure funding for several important future projects. Project managers join forces to produce a quality project portfolio Henrik Niinimäki RAY has been ...

Thinking Portfolio as an IT project management tool at Pirkanmaa Hospital District

The Pirkanmaa Hospital District is a municipal federation of 23 municipalities. Its mission is to provide health care services that promote health and functional capacity and to promote scientific research and training to support this goal. The data and technology administration of the Pirkanmaa Hospital District provides data administration services for information systems, as well as telecommunications services, such as telephone, workstation and data transfer services. The administration also provides medical technology services, information services, ...

What Makes A Project Portfolio Difficult To Manage?

Project portfolio management is easier than it looks. Businesses often face a number of challenges when it comes to managing their project portfolio effectively. If you want to keep your project portfolio under control it is important that you identify the difficulties of challenges that you are facing with your project portfolio. Sometimes, there could be too many issues that project managers end up confused about what the real problem is. Here are a few ...

Six New Rules of Project Portfolio Management

Project management is described as application of tools, techniques, skills and knowledge to plan the activities so that the requirements program are met. In essence, project management concerns making projects happen. It is the discipline of executing, managing and planning with the aim of having ready specific deliverables within a particular time and budget. A project manager can be termed successful if he or she can envision complete projects from the beginning to the end ...


How to Successfully Set Up a PMO in 2015

Businesses can benefit significantly by setting a project management office within their organization. While it has been proven again and again that a PMO can add value to the project manager as well as the overall productivity of the organization, a lot of businesses are yet to set up a PMO. The year 2015 will see more and more PMOs being set up by organizations. If you have decided to set up a PMO for ...

How to Make an Ordinary Project Business Owner Great?

While some may think that factors like certifications in project management is crucial in a project PMO lead, in fact it is among the most underrated criteria while hiring one. What is seen as a far more important attribute is the individual's ability to understand the project. This allows the PMO to initiate, monitor and manage better, and see if it rings true with the company's core goals and objectives. Here is a look at ...

Top Mistakes in Project Portfolio Management

Project Portfolio Management is at the heart of the success of any organization. Any business that has its PPM in places and corresponding execution tasks to back it, has got the success recipe right for the most part. Then again, it isn't as easy as it sounds, as many businesses cant seem to quite master PPM. Here's a look at some PPM mistakes that businesses can avoid to get there. Emulating best PPM practices without ...

Tips on How to Define and Plan PPM Procedures and Guidelines

It is important for an organization to manage and categorize their project portfolio while handling several projects. Categorization helps in the alignment of projects with the goals of the organization. PPM or Project Portfolio Management is actually a management process. The purpose is to help the organization gain information using several methods so that projects can be analyzed and sorted according to certain criteria. Some benefits of Project Portfolio Management The organization is able to ...

80% of good strategic portfolio management means looking forward

At its best, portfolio management is committed to achieving the strategic goals of the organization, analyzing future events and coordinating proper timing for developing the right programs and projects. As said before, nothing can save a project if the goals and timing are wrong considering the full picture of the situation. If the timing is wrong or the goals are unrealistic, no one is able to save a project, not even the best project manager ...

The City of Espoo Chooses Thinking Portfolio

The City of Espoo has chosen Thinking Portfolio (AE Business Care Group Oy) as its management support system supplier. The Thinking Portfolio project portfolio bid received the highest score of 99.38 (out of a maximum of 100 points) in the tendering process set up by the City of Espoo, providing the most economic project portfolio solution in terms of overall economics and lifespan.

6 Things that a Public Sector PMO Needs

Project Management Offices (PMOs) are underutilized in the public sector, but can have significant impact on the efficiency of these government agencies. As the public demands more for its tax dollars, and governments put in place austerity measures, public sector organizations have had to tighten up. With a good PMO, an agency is able to deliver more, with greater efficiency. Close alignment to organizational goals Unless a PMO is aligned to the agency’s overall strategy ...

6 Project Portfolio Management Tips for Beginners

Project portfolio management or PPM can be a tricky proposition for beginners. While there are several set methods to go about setting it up, you should follow a few tips and tricks that can bring you better results. The following six tips can help you make the best of your company’s PPM and provide quick, profitable and tangible results. Methodologies in project portfolio management can easily get outdated as they are static in nature. Instead ...