IT vs Corporate Project Portfolios

My first encounter with Project Portfolio Management (PPM) sprung from the needs of our clients' IT departments. They were inundated with all sorts of development projects. Some were directly attributable to the IT department, but the majority of the initiatives came from business units. The solution was to create an IT project portfolio which included projects that the IT department was involved in. Soon it became evident that almost all projects had a connection to ...


How to get comparable risk estimates

Professor Kalle Kähkönen Tampere University of Technology, Finland: My earlier discussion under the title “Riskiness as a viewpoint for categorizing projects” pointed out the significance of defining and understanding the overall risk level of project, and how this forms a starting point for categorizing projects, which is necessary when comparing and contrasting different project options.  Naturally, this is one of the key tasks of project portfolio management. Credibility of the overall risk estimates is essential, ...


Riskiness as a viewpoint for categorizing projects

Professor Kalle Kähkönen Tampere University of Technology, Finland: Understanding of the overall risk level of a project is important from several aspects. It can provide background information of significance for different decision-making needs. For example, in the early stages of a bidding process, a company must make bid preparation decisions. This is often done by comparing and contrasting different options. Look at the following figure. It presents the estimates of overall risk levels of three ...


Thinking Portfolio® provides Women’s Bank with project portfolio for coordination of voluntary services

Thinking Business Group and Women’s Bank have signed a three-year cooperation agreement regarding the Thinking Portfolio® project portfolio. Thinking Portfolio provides the Finn Church Aid-owned Women’s Bank fund with a project management tool on a pro bono basis. The programme and project portfolio, which will be implemented during the spring, will facilitate voluntary work coordination and cooperation management while significantly improving reporting. The local groups, or cells, of the Women’s Bank organise hundreds of events ...

Put your ideas into a portfolio

Many companies are drawn to large brainstorming events, idea campaigns, and open innovation web forums. Some collect ideas as a continuous process. In both cases, the management and post-processing of ideas is a laborious task. Managing ideas as a portfolio makes this task easier and builds a bridge between innovation and implementation.


Offer better PMO service and PPM tools to your organization

Offer better PMO service and PPM tools to your organization by developing the organisation from business perspective. Use Thinking Portfolio project portfolio for this work and make it the whole organisation's business. Make sure that you stay ahead of your competitors – otherwise it could be too late! We must develop PMO and PPM services which save our organization's time. We must produce services which are easy and which will bring benefits to the customer's ...

Case Study: Lassila & Tikanoja

”I should have moved on from manual reporting a long time ago” Given the chance, Lassila & Tikanoja’s Development Manager Kim Jokilahti would do only one thing differently when it comes to the portfolio management application used by the company today. He would adopt it much earlier.


Today is also a good day to do the project portfolio stress test

Typically the stress test comprises a number of "What if?" calculations which are used to analyse, in different situations and scenarios, prerequisites which help to cope with any difficult times in future. Portfolio management includes methods which can be applied as a part of project portfolio analyses and management. You can start the project portfolio stress test by tracing a situation where you have to make cuts to the development investments, 30% off, for example. ...