Additional Factors That Lead to Success with PPM

Management of projects and portfolios is something that happens in every organization. Whether or not you take additional measures, new initiatives will continue to roll out and new software will be built. However, you should also know that more than 50 percent of all projects fail to a certain degree. This happens mainly because companies do not pay attention to tools, processes, policies and structures applied on the portfolio. It has been found that organizations ...


6 Project Portfolio Management Tips for Beginners

Project portfolio management or PPM can be a tricky proposition for beginners. While there are several set methods to go about setting it up, you should follow a few tips and tricks that can bring you better results. The following six tips can help you make the best of your company’s PPM and provide quick, profitable and tangible results. 1 Methodologies in project portfolio management can easily get outdated as they are static in nature. Instead ...


Back to Basics on Project Portfolio Management (PPM)

As an operating business, you may be required to handle multiple projects at a time. To ensure that all your projects are progressing smoothly and on time, it is important to maintain a portfolio. Termed as project portfolio management, this process can help you organize and categorize projects based on your organizational goals. It is also valuable when acquiring information and sorting out projects based on criteria and priority. There are several tools and techniques ...


Thinking Portfolio for development and lobbying activities of the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities

The Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities is improving its lobbying activities, as well as its service and development operations by implementing the Thinking Portfolio application. Strategic management requires up-to-date, reliable and concrete information for decision making. Tiina Rinne, Program Coordinator of the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities, is advocating an open, cooperation-oriented culture of development. She is hoping that new methods and tools will increase transparency while improving results and well-being. ...

Thinking Portfolio Advancing Research and Development

Thinking Portfolio has increased transparency in project activities and synergy between various industries. Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences (MAMK) is a place of higher education for lifelong learning. The university operates mainly in Southern Savonia. There are approximately 4,500 students in seven fields of study at the school. MAMK is a strong player in research, development and innovation. Research activities are focused on enhancing regional expertise and competitiveness. New products, services and operating models are ...


Case Study: Women’s Bank

"Excellent tool for controlling positive chaos" Women's Bank is a volunteer community collecting donations for supporting women's entrepreneurship in developing countries and developing their livelihoods through the principles of sustainable development. Finn Church Aid manages the Women's Bank fund and carries out its projects. Operations are based on active volunteers, numerous partners and donors. Thinking Business supports women's employment by providing Women's Bank with access to the Thinking Portfolio project portfolio service on a Pro Bono basis. - ...


Identifying the Business Benefits of an IT Project

To be successful, all business projects should have a clear objective, practical implementation, and deep understanding of all the related costs and benefits of the project. While it may seem relatively simple, understanding and defining business benefits can be tricky sometimes. To break down the concept in a simple and comprehensible way, business benefits can be divided into three major types – soft benefits, hard benefits, and productivity. Determining and measuring hard benefits These benefits ...


How to be successful in project portfolio management development (Read TOP 8 experiences)

1. Keep it simple! Keep things simple, always try to find the key elements in each development phase and simplify it. The implementation of a typical strategic portfolio management operating model and tools takes around 100 days. Development processes which tend to drag on are unlikely to yield positive results. According to our experience, the complicated way has never worked in practice. 2. Earn the support of the management In the event that management aspires ...

IT vs Corporate Project Portfolios

My first encounter with Project Portfolio Management (PPM) sprung from the needs of our clients' IT departments. They were inundated with all sorts of development projects. Some were directly attributable to the IT department, but the majority of the initiatives came from business units. The solution was to create an IT project portfolio which included projects that the IT department was involved in. Soon it became evident that almost all projects had a connection to ...


Case Study: Lassila & Tikanoja

”I should have moved on from manual reporting a long time ago” Given the chance, Lassila & Tikanoja’s Development Manager Kim Jokilahti would do only one thing differently when it comes to the portfolio management application used by the company today. He would adopt it much earlier.


Today is also a good day to do the project portfolio stress test

Typically the stress test comprises a number of "What if?" calculations which are used to analyse, in different situations and scenarios, prerequisites which help to cope with any difficult times in future. Portfolio management includes methods which can be applied as a part of project portfolio analyses and management. You can start the project portfolio stress test by tracing a situation where you have to make cuts to the development investments, 30% off, for example. ...