Making Decisions Based on a Good Business Case

Any business must make a decision which will ultimately produce some kind of product that can be either goods or services. An important decision can affect the company, the products and its employees. Plant: The decision to invest in new factories, or in upgrading the present ones Products: The decision to start new lines People: The decision to invest in the form of development and training Most decisions are dependent upon its predictability. A distinction ...


Optimizing the Use of Key Resources in a Project Portfolio

A project portfolio management system can help you prepare and achieve your objectives and increase chances of financial profits. With the right management system in place, you can remove a lot of the guesswork and ensure that your executives and management make the right decisions, whether planned or during an emergency. The idea of a project portfolio management is fairly new and there are several businesses who consider it to be confusing or complex. To ...


Resource Management at the Project Portfolio Level

Resource planning and management is an essential business process that can help you keep track of your projects and their results. Also known as project management and enterprise resource planning among several other terms, resource planning can be applied to various disciplines. However, it is mainly considered a subset of these business processes. The best way to define resource management is a solution to plan, manage, and deploy the right individuals and skills for the ...


IT Architecture and Lifecycle Cost Management

IT architecture can be defined as a process where a designer creates a set of systems or individual phases. Several factors are considered when IT architecture is being planned and developed including the functions of the system, how they are linked to other IT systems, business processed involved in creating the system as well as other essential parameters. How to create result-driven IT architecture An experienced IT architect usually has a general overview of the ...


Aligning IT Projects and Strategies through Project Portfolio Management

Project portfolio management or PPM is a business process that allows and prepares companies to align a number of components like IT projects, application development, resources, and initiatives. Transforming companies to operate as project-oriented groups, project portfolio management allows you to treat IT as a financial asset. With project portfolio management, you can seamlessly integrate scope, pipeline, time, skills, cost, procurement, reporting, forecasting, communication, as well as risk management. Similar to managing a portfolio of ...


Creating Commitment in Internal Development Projects

To ensure the success of any project whether internal or external, commitment from the team is important. When your team holds the project in high regard and gives the project adequate time and effort, they are committed to the success of the project. If you are planning an internal development project for your company, building commitment from your team and employees is essential. Committed individuals ensure that they follow-through and stick with the project to ...


Case Study: Women’s Bank

"Excellent tool for controlling positive chaos" Women's Bank is a volunteer community collecting donations for supporting women's entrepreneurship in developing countries and developing their livelihoods through the principles of sustainable development. Finn Church Aid manages the Women's Bank fund and carries out its projects. Operations are based on active volunteers, numerous partners and donors. Thinking Business supports women's employment by providing Women's Bank with access to the Thinking Portfolio project portfolio service on a Pro Bono basis. - ...


When Should You Consider Terminating An IT Project Prematurely?

An IT project manager of a company will have to take several serious decisions that make or break a project, or even terminate the project entirely. While most projects are terminated on completion, some have to be severed prematurely if certain aspects of the project are undesirable. Terminating a project prematurely can result in strained relationships with the stakeholders, clients, and leave a black mark in your career. However, such terminations are sometimes necessary. While ...


Project resource management problems are side effects of other issues (TOP 5 perspectives)

1. Resource management is not a solution for productivity Productivity is a common objective of resource management. While productivity is an appropriate measure of operational efficiency, it should not be seen as the focus of resource management. In fact, resource management is often quite far removed from the input-output ratio focused on producing the maximum amount of satisfactory output in the least amount of time. This often calls for changes in key processes rather than resource ...