Hypergene Acquires Finnish SaaS Company Thinking Portfolio

Aiming for continued expansion and profitable growth, the Swedish SaaS company Hypergene is establishing itself in the Finnish market. This is achieved through the acquisition of Finnish Thinking Portfolio Oy, which with its product Thinking Portfolio® offers a comprehensive solution for strategic project and portfolio management and is considered a market leader in Finland.


Thinking Portfolio Webinar: AI-Driven Project Portfolio Success

AI-Driven Project Portfolio Success, August 14.2024 at 1 PM -2 PM EET. Join our free webinar where we dive into the world of artificial intelligence and discover how it can revolutionize project portfolio management. Senior Portfolio Advisor Esa Toivonen will explain how AI can provide new perspectives and enhance decision-making in project portfolio management.


Thinking Portfolio’s straightforwardness convinced software house QOCO Systems

In the photo, QOCO Systems project team members Heli Kivisoja, Janne Kulmala, Laura Auhto-Savolainen and Valeriia Diupon.  Software house QOCO Systems Oy is an ICT supplier to the airline industry. For a growing company, Thinking Portfolio has provided much-needed consistency and structure in project management.   Growth created space for a new project management tool   QOCO Systems Oy is an aviation software house whose customers include airlines, maintenance companies and aircraft engine manufacturers. Growth objectives have created ...


The Savings Banks’ Union gets an up-to-date project description through Thinking Portfolio

The Savings Banks’ Union (Säästöpankkiliitto) chose Thinking Portfolio when its goal was to gain a better understanding of the overall picture of the project portfolio and develop a more professional project model. Several tools have been replaced by one transparent solution Just a year ago, The Savings Banks’ Union’s project portfolio was managed with several different tools and PowerPoint-based reporting. As in many other organizations, The Savings Banks’ Union also needed an up-to-date and transparent ...


Five years of Thinking Portfolio and Opera’s duet – The portfolio has improved information transmission, planning and project management maturity

Photo: Heikki Tuuli, Finnish National Opera and Ballet “The Finnish National Opera and Ballet – The art institution of the entire Finnish nation. We offer opera and ballet performances and other events to people of all ages. Thanks to visiting performances, school operas, recordings and live broadcasts as well as television and radio broadcasts, the experiences we create can be enjoyed everywhere in Finland and around the world.” - https://oopperabaletti.fi/en/about-us/   The prelude to the development ...


Portefeuillebeheer ondersteunt op kennis gebaseerde besluitvorming aan de Universiteit van Vaasa

De projectportefeuille is vorig jaar ingevoerd aan de Universiteit van Vaasa. Verwacht werd dat het de transparantie zou vergroten en de rapportage en het kennisbeheer zou ondersteunen. "Gegevensgestuurd portefeuillebeheer was voorheen niet mogelijk omdat de informatie was versnipperd en afhankelijk van het geheugen van de mensen", zegt Tapio Männistö van de Finance and Project Management Services van de Universiteit van Vaasa.
