The role of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation in business is rapidly increasing, prompting the question: When will AI replace the traditional project manager?

While the human role and intelligence are irreplaceable, it’s essential to objectively examine the situation and identify six factors where AI has already demonstrated superiority over traditional project managers.


Data Analysis and Prediction:

AI can process massive amounts of data and identify meaningful patterns and trends. It can provide accurate predictions and recommendations based on objective analyses.

Swift Decision-making:

AI can make decisions in a fraction of the time it takes a human. Algorithms based on data and logic allow AI to respond quickly to changing situations and problems.

Repetitive and Routine Tasks:

Many project manager tasks are repetitive and follow patterns. AI can efficiently automate these tasks, freeing up human time for more strategic and creative work.

Risk Management:

AI can assess complex risks and their impacts on a project. Algorithms can analyze historical data and current conditions to provide precise risk analysis.

Continuous Learning and Improvement:

AI constantly learns from new data as it processes and interacts with its environment. It can quickly adapt to changes and update its operations based on the latest information.

Communication and Collaboration:

AI can seamlessly integrate into various systems and communicate with other digital platforms (e.g Thinking Portfolio), enabling efficient collaboration among different parties.


While AI shows its superiority in certain areas, it’s important to note that the human role in project management remains indispensable. Human creativity, empathy, critical thinking, and strategic planning continue to be crucial factors for successful project management.

In the future, we may witness a synergy between AI and humans, where AI supports the work of project managers, freeing up time for critical decisions and strategic planning. Through collaboration, we can achieve more optimal and innovative solutions to business challenges.