Hypergene förvärvar finska SaaS-bolaget Thinking Portfolio

Nu får kunder möjlighet till bättre styrning och uppföljning av sina projektportföljer. Det är med sikte på fortsatt expansion och lönsam tillväxt som Hypergene etablerar sig på den finska marknaden. Det sker genom förvärv av finska Thinking Portfolio OY, som med sin produkt Thinking Portfolio® erbjuder en helhetslösning för strategisk projekt- och portföljhantering och kan beskrivas som marknadsledande i Finland.


Thinking Portfolio´s appointment announcement: Juha Kuntonen Appointed as the new CEO starting 1st of April 2024.

The board of Thinking Portfolio Oy has appointed MBA Juha Kuntonen as the new CEO, effective 1st of April, 2024. Kuntonen has held leadership positions at 2M-IT, Medi-IT, CGI, as well as in expert and managerial roles in the public sector, including the information management unit of the Helsinki Police Department, the National Bureau of Investigation, and the South Savo Hospital District.


The AI Revolution: When Will It Replace Traditional Project Managers?

The role of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation in business is rapidly increasing, prompting the question: When will AI replace the traditional project manager? While the human role and intelligence are irreplaceable, it's essential to objectively examine the situation and identify six factors where AI has already demonstrated superiority over traditional project managers.   Data Analysis and Prediction: AI can process massive amounts of data and identify meaningful patterns and trends. It can provide accurate ...


Eliminating Waste in Project Work: 5 Essential Tips Inspired by Kaizen Principles

In the pursuit of efficient project management, the principles of Kaizen offer invaluable insights to eliminate waste and optimize processes. As a CxO, ensuring that resources are used judiciously is paramount, and Kaizen can guide you toward that goal. In this blog, we'll delve into five crucial tips inspired by Kaizen principles to ensure that there is no waste in your project work. Identify and Define Value: Kaizen begins with understanding what adds value to ...


Nurturing Resilience: 5 Key KPIs to Cultivate with Kaizen in Continuous Risk Management

Unveiling the Power of Kaizen in Elevating Your Risk Management Efforts Risk management isn't just about identifying and mitigating potential pitfalls; it's also about nurturing a culture of resilience and constant improvement. Embracing the principles of Kaizen in your risk management process can be a game-changer. By implementing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) inspired by Kaizen, you not only ensure effective risk management but also foster a dynamic environment of continuous growth. In this blog, we'll ...


Embracing Kaizen: 6 Compassionate Ways to Prioritize Projects for Cancellation

Nurturing Growth by Letting Go - A Guide to Applying Kaizen Principles for Project Prioritization In the ever-evolving landscape of project management, making tough decisions becomes an inevitable part of the journey. Just as Kaizen encourages us to enhance processes, it also empowers us to gracefully let go of projects that no longer align with our goals. In this blog, we will explore six compassionate ways to use Kaizen methods to prioritize projects that deserve ...


Discerning the Delicate Cues: 10 Subtle Indicators to Halt a Project

In the intricate tapestry of project management, understanding the nuances that signal a need for reconsideration is paramount. Here are 10 elegantly nuanced signs that signify a project may warrant a pause for thoughtful reassessment: Subdued Stakeholder Engagement: When the fervor and engagement of key stakeholders wane, it may signify a misalignment between project aspirations and their evolving expectations. Diminishing Resource Vitality: As the vitality of essential resources ebbs—be it finances, human capital, or technological infrastructure—it could ...


Mastering Resource Optimization: 10 World-Class Tips to Prevent Over-Resourcing Projects

In the fast-paced realm of project management, over-resourcing can lead to wastage of valuable assets and hinder project success. Employing advanced strategies to prevent over-resourcing is essential for optimizing project efficiency and ensuring resource utilization. Here are 10 world-class tips to help you avoid over-resourcing projects: Thorough Project Planning: Begin with a comprehensive project plan that outlines the scope, milestones, and resource requirements. Clearly define roles, responsibilities, and resource needs for each project phase to ...
